
If you live in the Kilkenny, Mayliewan, or Ozerna neighbourhoods
and would like to contribute back to your community, you’ve come to the right place!


In Person: Memberships are sold in person during the spring (March & February) and fall (September) sports registration dates (please bring a utility bill or driver’s license as proof of address.)

Online: Memberships are also sold year-round through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) website.  Please click HERE to be redirected to EFCL’s site.  There is an additional $5 service fee when ordering through EFCL’s website.

Community League: Membership can also be bought from the community league contact president@kilkenny.ab.ca. There is no service fee.

Family Membership: $25
Individual Membership: $10
Senior Membership: Free

Benefits of a Kilkenny Membership

  1. Free community league swim at:
    • Londonderry Fitness & Leisure Centre,  located at 14528-66 Street NW, every Sunday from 4:15pm – 5:45pm.
    • O’Leary Fitness & Leisure Centre, located at 8804-132 Avenue NW, every Saturday from 3:45pm to 5:45pm
    • Grand Trunk Fitness & Leisure Centre, located at 13025-112 Street NW, every Friday from 7pm – 9pm & every Sunday from 4:15pm – 5:45pm.
  2. 20% discounted Annual or Continuous Monthly passes (15% discount on Multi Admission passes) to ANY City of Edmonton Recreation Centre.  Please click HERE for more information.
  3. Free outdoor skating at ANY Community League rink (ensure you have current skate tags).
  4. Free indoor skating at Londonderry Fitness & Leisure Centre, located at 14528-66 Street NW, every Sunday from 4pm – 5pm.
  5. Voting rights at the Kilkenny Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in November.

For more discounts from wonderful local retailers, please visit: https://efcl.org/membership-benefits

For all other questions & concerns, please email president@kilkenny.ab.ca.

League Meetings

Whether you want to become a community league member, learn about upcoming events, book our venue, or find out what amenities are in the neighbourhood, you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Or better yet – become a part of your community & get involved!

For an invitation to attend our next regular meeting, please contact president@kilkenny.ab.ca.

Regular Monthly Meeting
Second Tuesday of Every Month (except July & August)
7pm – 9pm

Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting is taking place on Thursday, November 7, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.

Board of Directors

President: Anna Taylor  (780) 478-3269
Vice President: (Administration): Vitor Vieira 
Treasurer: Amanda Donald
Secretary: Diana Vieira

Committee Members
Baseball & Softball Director: Charlene Deckert
Facility Rental: Anna Taylor
Grants: Dawn McOrmond
Soccer Director: Amber Fink
Website & Emails: Liana Sousa

Social Director: Vacant
Hockey Director: Vacant
Membership Director: Vacant
Publicity: Vacant
Website & Emails: Vacant

Area 17 Representatives – Donna Marshall and Amanda Donald

To inquire about volunteering, please contact our President.

Elected Officials
Member of Parliament: Blake Desjarlas
MLA (Decore 32): Sharif Haji
Edmonton City Councilor Ward Tastawiyiniwak (Ward 3): Karen Principe
Edmonton Catholic School Trustee (Ward 72 – Mayliewan & Ozerna): Sandra Palazzo
Edmonton Catholic School Trustee (Ward 73 – Kilkenny): Carla Smiley
Edmonton Public School Trustee (Ward B): Michelle DraperVa


The Kilkenny Community League is a not-for-profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors is voted in every year at our Annual General Meeting. We are always looking for new volunteers to step up and take a role.  Your help is needed to make our community the great community that it is! Please contact president@kilkenny.ab.ca for an invitation to our next general board meeting.

In addition to Board Roles, there are Sports Volunteers who help our community league thrive. There are two options to fulfill your volunteer commitment to Kilkenny Community League.  This volunteer commitment assists Kilkenny with raising funds to maintain the hall and to run programs.  Volunteer commitment options are non-refundable, regardless if your child plays or not.  There are no exceptions to this (injury & illness included).  There are 2 ways for you to fulfill your community service commitment:

Option #1 – Work
Sign up to work a casino, a tournament, a community event, or assist with hall/grounds clean-up projects.  You will need to provide an undated signed cheque addressed to “Kilkenny Community League” in the amount of $250.

The date and time of your commitment is written on the registration form.  You are responsible for noting the date and time and ensuring you attend.  It is your responsibility to know when and where your work option is taking place.  You cannot make up missed work options.  Your cheque is returned to you when the volunteer commitment is complete.  If you fail to show up, your cheque will be cashed.  Any bounced cheque will result in a $30 fee assessed.  If you do not pay out your missed work option, plus the NSF fee, your child will be withdrawn from the sports program and you will not be able to register in any Kilkenny sports program until the amount is paid in full.

Options #2 – Pay-Out
If you are unable to commit to any of the work options, you have the choice to pay out the commitments.  It is $150 per child.

Questions about this policy can be directed to soccer@kilkenny.ab.ca.